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6 Precious Wedding Moments You Want to Capture on Video

To be fair, about every little moment of this very special occasion; formally known as wedding is rather precious! This is despite the stresses that go with most weddings. Even as professional wedding videographers, the love, affection, joy and tears are no less moving no matter how many weddings we cover and showcase!

At the same time there are certain moments relating to weddings that in our experience always make for stunning, endearing and entertaining wedding video material. Moments that no matter how many times, viewed, never get old!

6 Precious Wedding Moments You Want to Capture on Video

We’re going to list six utterly precious wedding moments that you might want to make sure are a part of your upcoming wedding video! Here they are!

Start With the Proposal

Though this one is only advisable if you’re pretty certain that proposal won’t go south, many professional wedding videographers suggest starting the filming from the point where you propose. This would include your partner’s first reaction to the proposal and possibly the dinner or festivities that follow a yes.

If not the proposal you could always start with shots of the relationship prior to the wedding post proposal but when the couple is not yet married.

The Planning

There is usually at least on big wedding planning session before the main event if not multiple little sit downs where everything from dresses and upholstery to the menu and guest lists is discussed. Having your wedding videographer document at least one of these (fun yet chaotic) sit downs usually makes for brilliant wedding video content!

The Preparation

Here, by preparation we mean the moments before the main event. Clips of both of you rushing about with your entourages to get dressed for the main event are full of film-worthy exchanges. If you opt for a wedding video package offering multiple videographers, you can have them split so one can follow the bride and the other the groom

This way you get the very important video content of those final pre-wedding moments!

First Looks

This won’t be the first time you lay eyes on your intimate other or vice versa! At the same time, some couples deliberately don’t see each other in their wedding attire until the very day. The moment they step into the venue together and see each other, the initial look on the faces of each is well worth capturing and not to be missed. A good wedding videographer will probably be ready for this one.

First Kiss/Altar Clips

The first kiss after the vows have been recited is truly a monumental one! Capturing this first kiss as well as ensuing reactions of key family members and loved ones is a great idea. Those moments at the altar, the first kiss and what rolls out immediately after is not to be missed!

The Toasting

People toast weddings in different ways. Wedding toasts can go from emotional and moving to hilarious and downright embarrassing at times! In any case, how your friends, family and loved ones wish you well is definitely worth saving and savoring for years to come!

What is Important to You?

What you need to remember is that though the moments above are those we suggest, it is your wedding video; hence deciding what moments you want to prioritize is really on you! You can always connect with a professional wedding videographer Miami and discuss your wedding video options. Those of you looking for wedding videography service in Miami have us! Till next time folks!

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